Add featured image section to custom post

Adding featured image section to custom post in WordPress

In this blog we will learn quick way to add featured image section to custom post within a few steps, So let’s get started

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you may have encountered with featured post missing in your custom post type and your looking easy and quick fix to resolve it. Then you are at the right place

Add featured image section to custom post

Featured image is a image which usually denotes the main objective of the page or blog posts which in other hand represents the mood, theme and content

What is custom post types?

custom post types in WordPress help you create more content and more customization then your standard post and pages on your website

post types helps you customize sections like portfolio, testimonial, products or any other types of content on your website

The main use case of an custom post types is to increase flexibility and functionality in WordPress allowing you to create more attractive and responsive designs beyond your blog posts

this is generally done by adding code in the functions.php in the theme editor which we will show in the next few minutes

Benefits of custom post types

There are various benefits of using a custom post type in WordPress, I will highlight only few of the major benefits of using a custom post types

Organization and structure

Custom post types allow you to organize your content more efficiently then that of standard posts and pages

you can create content according your requirement distinctively such as portfolio, testimonials, products etc.

you can create a set of post types under a post name which helps manage and access to content easily

This help users navigate easily in a website

Easy content management

With custom posts you can manage word press admin sections according to your requirement which makes the users to get the right info need for them

Example : custom type seo contains all the post types of seo of different locations

Whereas custom post type google ads contains all the post types of google ads of different locations

Increased SEO visibility

Custom post types help you drive more website traffic since it helps you optimize for a specific type of query for instance SEO you can optimize schema for SEO markup rather than whole digital marketing, as it will appear only for seo related search queries

Variety of display options

In a custom post type you can customize posts according to content  for a specific set of audiences. And customize the same post for another set of audiences which improves conversion rates.

Reusability of codes

Templates  used in a custom post can be used across the websites which helps you create more content with more keywords for more traffic generation

Easy to maintain

custom post types helps you manage your content easily which is easier to maintain in the long run, it reduces clutter in the WordPress admin interface panel.

which makes specific type of content easier to update


3 Step by step process to Add featured image section to custom post

1. Navigate to Theme Editor In appearance

In appearance go to themes and the and press on theme editor

2. Navigate to functions.php

click on the functions.php in the right corner of theme files

3. Paste the below code in the functions.php

Make sure to copy the whole code and paste it

Note : Replace the portfolio with your custom post name in the below code

function create_custom_post_type() {
register_post_type(‘portfolio’, array(
‘labels’ => array(
‘name’ => (‘Portfolio’), ‘singular_name’ => (‘Portfolio Item’),
‘public’ => true,
‘has_archive’ => true,
‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘thumbnail’), // Add ‘thumbnail’ support
add_action(‘init’, ‘create_custom_post_type’);

4. Click On Update

Don’t forget to click on update


This is quick and easy way to Add featured image section to custom post type in wordpress, do let me know in the comment section or contact karavali studios if you have any doubts regarding the same. Thank You

Frequently Asked Questions

featured image size WordPress

1200 x 628 pixels is the best word press sized

Picture of Ankith Achar

Ankith Achar



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